Training men to fully minister the Word of God
“And these words that I command you today shall be on your heart. You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise.” (Deuteronomy 6: 6-7) listen to chapter (Read by Marquis Laughlin. Provided by Sola Scriptura.)
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The Board of Directors established a Core Faculty to administrate certain functions of the Seminary.
Dr. Dwight F. Zeller: Director Emeritus, Sangre de Cristo Seminary. Teaches Old and New Testament Exegesis. Member: Rocky Mountain Presbytery, Presbyterian Church in America. D.Min ., Eastern Baptist Theological Seminary; Th.M ., Chicago Graduate School of Theology; M.Div., Memphis Theological Seminary; B.A., Bob Jones University. Retired United States Navy Chaplian.
Dr. Andrew S. Zeller: President, Sangre de Cristo Seminary. Teaches Preaching and Old Testament Hebrew. Member: Rocky Mountain Presbytery, Presbyterian Church in America. D.Min ., Gordon Conwell Theological Seminary; Th.M ., Covenant Theological Seminary; M.Div., Sangre de Cristo Seminary; B.A., Covenant College; C.P.E. Advanced Status. Pastoral experience and current Army Reserve Chaplain.
Mr. D. James Johnson, Jr.: Vice President, Sangre de Cristo Seminary – Director, Horn Creek Conference Center, Westcliffe, CO. Teaches English Bible and Ethics. D.Min.(candidate), Denver Seminary; M.Div., Sangre de Cristo Seminary; M.B.A., University of Phoenix; B.S., University of Florida. Church pastoring experience.
Rev. Ron Kruis: Dean of Students, Sangre de Cristo Seminary. Teaches Beginning Greek and OT/NT Survey classes. M.Div., Sangre de Cristo Seminary; M.A.C., New Mexico State University; B.A., Dordt College. Church pastoring experience.
The Seminary brings adjunct faculty from around the nation to instruct in a wide array of biblical, historical, pastoral and systematic theology courses during the summer months. Those who have served the seminary within the past three years are:
Dr. Rollin J. Blackburn: Professor of Biblical Languages and Literature, Philadelphia Theological Seminary; Pastor. Ph.D. Temple University; M. Div., Philadelphia Theological Seminary; M. A., B. A., Temple University.
Sangre de Cristo Seminary Instruction: Hebrew Poetry.
Steve L. Cloyd: Owner, Cloyd Contractors, Westcliffe, CO. MAET student, Sangre de Cristo Seminary; International Bible College; Great Commission School of Theology; Pastor of Youth and Christian Education.
Sangre de Cristo Seminary Instruction: Hermeneutics.
Dr. Walter G. Cross III: Church Planting Missionary to Mexico. D. Min., Covenant Theological Seminary; M. Div., Covenant Theological Seminary; B. A., Columbia International University. Church planting missionary in Chile and Mexico City for 26 Years.
Sangre de Cristo Seminary Instruction: Missions.
Dr. Milton C. Fisher: Professor Emeritus of Old Testament, Philadelphia Theological Seminary. Missionary to Ethiopia. Ph.D. Brandeis University; Th. M., Pittsburgh-Xenia Theological Seminary; B. D., Reformed Episcopal Seminary; M. A., B. A., Johns Hopkins University.
Sangre de Cristo Seminary Instruction: Biblical Archaeology.
Rev. J. Wyatt George: Pastor, First Presbyterian Church, West Frankfort, Ill. and Evangelical Presbyterian Church, Carbondale, Ill. M. Div., Covenant Theological Seminary; B. A., Covenant College. Organizing Pastor. Missionary: African Christian Training Institute.
Sangre de Cristo Seminary Instruction: Doctrine of Man.
Dr. Joseph H. Hall: Retired Professor of Church History and Librarian, Mid-America Reformed Seminary. Th. D., Concordia Theological Seminary; M. Div., Covenant Theological Seminary; A.M.L.S., University of Michigan; B. A., Calvin College. Author.
Sangre de Cristo Seminary Instruction: Church History.
Dr. Arthur Johnson: Professor of Philosophy, West Texas A&M University (retired). Ph.D.,
M. A., B. A. University of Nebraska; Diploma, Grace Bible Institute.
Sangre de Cristo Seminary Instruction: Comparative Biblical Theologies.
Dr. Simon J. Kistemaker : Professor of New Testament, Reformed Theological Seminary. Th. D., Free University of Amsterdam; B. D. Calvin Theological Seminary; B. A., Calvin College. Author.
Sangre de Cristo Seminary Instruction: New Testament Theology.
Dr. Dennis Prutow : Pastor, President, Westminster Evangelistic Fellowship. D. Min., Reformed Theological Seminary; M. Div., Fuller Theological Seminary; B. A., U. S. Military Academy, West Point, N.Y.
Sangre de Cristo Seminary Instruction: Doctrine of Salvation.
Mrs. Erma Prutow : Professor of Christian Education, Sterling College. M. R. E., Fuller Theological Seminary; B. A., Sterling College.
Sangre de Cristo Seminary Instruction: Christian Education Leadership.
Rev. Wayne Riddering : Pastor, Church Planter. M. Div., Concordia Seminary, Springfield;
B. S., Concordia College, Seward, NE.
Sangre de Cristo Seminary Instruction: Pastoral Duties.
Sangre de Cristo Seminary Instruction: Apologetics.
Mrs. Lois Zeller: Librarian, Sangre de Cristo Seminary, Instructor of Church Music. M. Div., Sangre de Cristo Seminary; B. A., Butler University. Church Musician.
Sangre de Cristo Seminary Instruction: Church Music.
LIBRARY CONSULTANT: The seminary retains the services of a library consultant.
Brewster Porcella : Ph. D., M. S., University of Illinois; B. D., Faith Theological Seminary;
B. A., M. A., Wheaton College.
Sangre de Cristo Seminary is governed by a Board of Directors which meets at least once each year to observe how the school is functioning and to determine school policies. The Executive Committee of the Board of Directors meets as needed to conduct additional business between Board meetings.
J. Wyatt George (President): Pastor, First Presbyterian Church, West Frankfort, Ill.. M. Div., Covenant Theological Seminary; B. A. Covenant College. Organizing Pastor, Businessman.
Martin Brutosky : Businessman. B. A., Pennsylvania State University; M. Div., Reformed Episcopal Seminary. Pastoral and business experience.
Steve L. Cloyd ( Secretary): Owner, Cloyd Contractors, Westcliffe, CO. MAET student, Sangre de Cristo Seminary; International Bible College; Great Commission School of Theology; Pastor of Youth and Christian Education.
Mary Crumpacker (Board Member Emeritus): Retired French Professor, Valparaiso University, Valparaiso, IN. Ph. D., M. A., University of Chicago; B. A., Butler University. Author.
D. James Johnson: Vice President, Sangre de Cristo Seminary – Director, Horn Creek Conference Center, Westcliffe, CO. Teaches English Bible and Ethics. D.Min.(candidate), Denver Seminary; M.Div., Sangre de Cristo Seminary; M.B.A., University of Phoenix; B.S., University of Florida. Church pastoring experience.
Ron Kruis: Dean of Students, Sangre de Cristo Seminary. Teaches Beginning Greek and OT/NT Survey classes. M.Div., Sangre de Cristo Seminary; M.A.C., New Mexico State University; B.A., Dordt College. Church pastoring experience.
Wallace Lundquist: Retired judge and attorney, Florence, CO. L.L.D., B. A., Denver University.
Kelly J. Moore: Captain, U. S. Army Chaplain, Okinawa, Japan. M. Div ., Sangre de Cristo Seminary; B. A., Ft . Hays State University.
Andrew S. Zeller: President, Sangre de Cristo Seminary, Army Reserve Chaplain. D. Min., Gordon Conwell Theological Seminary; Th. M., Covenant Theological Seminary; M. Div., Sangre de Cristo Seminary; B. A., Covenant College. C.P.E. Advanced Status. Pastoral experience.
Dwight F. Zeller: Director Emeritus, Sangre de Cristo Seminary, Westcliffe, CO. D. Min., Eastern Baptist Theological Seminary; Th. M., Chicago Graduate School of Theology; M. Div., Memphis Theological Seminary; B. A., Bob Jones University. Pastoral experience, retired Navy Chaplain.